Trying to keep things separate here with professional photos and my personal life but I know most of you are used to catching my news here at TrulyTaken. But feel free to go HERE to check out some of my personal news of late…
Trying to keep things separate here with professional photos and my personal life but I know most of you are used to catching my news here at TrulyTaken. But feel free to go HERE to check out some of my personal news of late…
With the move forth coming I wanted to get some new business cards printed up so I have them ready to give out as we meet new people and get settled. Since I don’t know what my new business number will be I just left it off. The image quality is low but I think you get the idea…
What do you all think??
Whew! Please excuse my absence these past few months! Wow… it really has been over a month since I last posted! I keep up more on Facebook… (Are we friends yet?). But I did want to post a little bit of an update…
Corpus Christi, here we come?
I know. That’s a question? Welcome to the world of the medical school waiting game!
After months of clinical rotations, applications, and interviews we now eagerly await “The Match”! With graduation looming for Todd in May we hope to know by March where residency will be. Our top choice? Corpus Christi, Texas. Not only for the gorgeous beach front location (with a resonable living standard), but an amazing ER residency program at Christus Spohn Hospital. The clinical rotation there was Todd’s best experience anywhere and he got glowing reviews from the staff. One resident even recommended a realtor to us and we thoroughly enjoyed looking at some housing in and around Corpus which only further cemented our decision to make Corpus our top choice! So now we wait…. and pack; …and start listing our house here in Kansas City as soon as possible. (Whew! I feel tired just writing that!!
I’ll try to keep you in the loop as we find out more! Ta, ta for now!
Well, I’ve done a few extended family groups but never quite this big of a group. And they were such a fun and photogenic bunch!
We finally got everyone in place and got some really special shots…
To see more from this shoot go —> HERE.
But I have been pretty busy with shoots this month and a half. I love the challenges each one has brought with it!
First, the fun of motorcycle pics!
Then Senior shots with a Boxer puppy!
And then a super fun, after dark engagement shoot!
Then I did an other shoot with that Senior from above with her dog! (These are straight out of the camera. Haven’t had a chance to edit them yet…)
I took my oldest along with me to vote. We waited in a long line for our turn at the ballot box, but it was exciting and he seemed fascinated by the proceedings.
I let him slide our ballot into the box.
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